
5G, Cadre européen, European Electronic Communications Code, European framework, Fibre, France, Local authorities, Orange, Public_Initiative_Network, Public_Service_Delegation, Sénat / 03.04.2019

On March 28, 2019, during a conference of the Ecoter Mission in Paris, was presented the White Paper "Telecoms rights of way for local authorities", produced by the firms Strategic Scout and Parme Avocats for the Banque des Territoires, a subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts. Why this White Paper? In...

AFMM, Assemblée Nationale, Bloctel, Call centres, DGCCRF, Numbering, PRS, Public_Service_Delegation, Sénat / 18.03.2019

Deeply reworked by the Senate, the bill proposed by MP Christophe Naegelen, on telephone marketing and fraudulent calls, will now come back in second reading to the National Assembly: A new Article 1A of the bill as voted by the Senate specifies the terms of registration (by dematerialized,...

5G, 700_MHz, AGCOM, Allemagne, ARCEP, BNetzA, Deutsche_Telekom, Germany, Italy, Kabel_Deutschland, spectrum, Switzerland, Unitymedia, Vodafone / 13.02.2019

From 2018 to 2020, European states are allocating and re-allocating radio spectrum to mobile operators that are necessary to deploy 5G. Originally, radio spectrum was allocated to operators for a given technology. Now, operators are free to use it with the technology of their choice....

ARCEP, AVICCA, BEREC, Convergence, Coriolis, DSP, ELAN, Fibre, FttH, FVNO, Mégalis, MVNO, Orange, Public_Initiative_Network, Public_Service_Delegation, THD_Bretagne / 05.02.2019

January 29, 2019: ARCEP publishes a dispute settlement between Coriolis and Mégalis / THD Bretagne One of the roles of ARCEP, regulator of telecoms in France, is to settle disputes between operators in France, relating to wholesale access and interconnection. Dispute settlement is considered a court of first instance...

BEREC, European Commission, European Electronic Communications Code, European framework, Fibre, Uncategorized / 21.01.2019

From several Directives to one Code On 17 December, two texts were published in the Official Journal of the European Union, revising the regulatory framework for electronic communications in Europe. The four Directives comprising this framework (Framework Directive, Authorizations Directive, Access Directive and Universal Service and Consumer Rights Directive) have...

DGCCRF, PRS / 07.01.2019

What did the National Assembly vote? On December 6, 2018, by 79 votes to 1, the French National Assembly voted the bill proposed by MP Christophe Naegelen, related to the rules of telephone marketing and to the fight against fraudulent calls. After our post of December 17 devoted to...

DGCCRF, PRS / 17.12.2018

On December 6, 2018, after 3 hours and 50 minutes of an intense debate, the members of the French Parliament, by 79 votes (representing almost all parties) against 1, adopted the bill of the UDI MP Christophe Naegelen, called Naegelen Bill, relating to the supervision of telephone marketing and...